Hi, I’m April Shaw-Beaudoin. I’m a fifth-generation Mainer and a small business owner. A visitor turned proud local. And I am constantly on the hunt for the perfect mocktail. 

Ever since a young age, I’ve been driven by discovery. Passionate about uncovering the world’s best kept secrets. As I grew up, that passion quickly turned to purpose — and shifted to my own backyard: Camden, Maine. 

I founded Camden Famous for people like me: the explorers, the learners, the “up for anything-ers,” the visitors, locals, business owners, and the people determined to take the path less traveled.

What started as a small passion project has now transformed into a bustling community. And we have no plans of slowing down. 

When I’m not introducing the world to the beauty and charm of Midcoast Maine, you can find me running a creative agency with my husband Buck, spending time with my son, Colin, and spoiling our two white cats (yes, they have an Instagram account). I’m also actively involved in the local recovery community. 

Join me as we discover — and rediscover — everything Camden has to offer.

Hi there, I’m Buck. With 25+ years of marketing expertise, I’m the creative force behind Camden Famous. Whether it’s our logo, website, the photos across our social feeds or anything in-between, my job is to make sure the creativity of Camden shines through in an authentic and genuine way. 

While I’m not a Maine native myself, rest assured my wife April (Co-Founder of Camden Famous) has taught me everything I need to know.

I love the coast from top to bottom. I love discovering the delicious food. I love the nature preserves and the quiet hikes. The mom-and-pop-owned shops and the deep history. I can now truly call it my home. 

Together, April and I created Camden Famous to provide the incredibly unique people of Camden with the incredibly unique destinations, tips, events, and recommendations you deserve. But we also launched it to serve ourselves, too — we started the site we wished had existed years ago when we moved here!

Camden Famous is for anyone who values exploration, curiosity, community — and most of all — fun.

We invite you to join us in experiencing all that Camden has to offer.

Psst! Have you checked out our famous friends?